The Sims 4: Seasons

Gameplay New Career: Gardening New Game Options and Interactions: Seasons, Weather, Holidays, Calendar New Interactive Objects: Thermostat, Kiddie Pool New Death: Thermostat Holidays There are four pre-made holidays: Love Day, Harvestfest, Winterfest and New Year's Eve. These simulates the real-world holidays. Unlike in previous games, player can create their own holidays by using the Calendar feature. What makes one holiday different from another is its traditions. Traditions are activities that Sims do on holidays. For example, on the New Year's Eve holiday, Sims want to make resolutions and countdown to midnight. The holidays affect not only the player Sims, but also Sims in the same save file. Other than default and player created holidays, some just happen randomly. For example, Neighborhood Brawl is a holiday about fighting that randomly triggers as a small holiday. Calendar The Sims 4: Seasons introduces a new calendar icon, which shows players planned and upcoming events for their sims. The calendar icon can also be used to plan new events in advance.
The Sims 4: Seasons

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Game description
- New Career: Gardening
- New Game Options and Interactions: Seasons, Weather, Holidays, Calendar
- New Interactive Objects: Thermostat, Kiddie Pool
- New Death: Thermostat