Raiden III Digital Edition

Earth has been overrun by aliens! Raiden III Digital Edition is a revival of the classic Raiden series of scrolling shooter games. Raiden III has new concepts are introduced, which includes a "new 3D scrolling system" that involves the camera pointing down normal to the player while the scenery moves in three dimensions: climbing, descending, and sometimes moving vertically. The blue Laser concept is more like a beam, instead of the ones seen in prior instalments. Key Features Gameplay - Two player co-op mode is enhanced by an exclusive new attack skill: a beam that is usable whenever one player lines up in front of the other. In Double play mode, both players share the lives and bomb stocks, and without continues. Various Modes - Score Attack, Boss Rush, Replay & Gallery, Option and 3 play modes (solo, dual and double). 7 Unique Levels - The first three levels on Earth and the last four in space. Level design is based on previous Raiden games: the first three levels are particularly close to previous games, with the first based on the original Raiden; the bosses are also similar to those in the corresponding levels of Raiden II and Raiden DX. Adjustable Display Modes - Window mode, full screen mode, adjustable zoom ratios (x0.5, x1.0, x1.5, x2.0). Bonus Contents - 2 CD's worth of OST included with a total of 36 music!
Raiden III Digital Edition

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Game description
Earth has been overrun by aliens! Raiden III Digital Edition is a revival of the classic Raiden series of scrolling shooter games. Raiden III has new concepts are introduced, which includes a "new 3D scrolling system" that involves the camera pointing down normal to the player while the scenery moves in three dimensions: climbing, descending, and sometimes moving vertically. The blue Laser concept is more like a beam, instead of the ones seen in prior instalments. Key Features
- Gameplay - Two player co-op mode is enhanced by an exclusive new attack skill: a beam that is usable whenever one player lines up in front of the other. In Double play mode, both players share the lives and bomb stocks, and without continues.
- Various Modes - Score Attack, Boss Rush, Replay & Gallery, Option and 3 play modes (solo, dual and double).
- 7 Unique Levels - The first three levels on Earth and the last four in space. Level design is based on previous Raiden games: the first three levels are particularly close to previous games, with the first based on the original Raiden; the bosses are also similar to those in the corresponding levels of Raiden II and Raiden DX.
- Adjustable Display Modes - Window mode, full screen mode, adjustable zoom ratios (x0.5, x1.0, x1.5, x2.0).
- Bonus Contents - 2 CD's worth of OST included with a total of 36 music!