Professional Farmer 2014

Tractors And Farm Machines Get Your Farm Up And Running The PC simulator "Professional Farmer 2014" takes the player to the countryside. Giving farmers a hobby of full control in the comfort of their home. Farm management, cultivating fields, planting crops, animal husbandry and buying and selling produce. Those are few of the major game elements this simulator offers. Starting out with a small estate. The player begins their career as an up and coming farmer and little by little acquires new fields, tractors, machines and animals. It can specialize or make use of all options that farming has to offer. The key to success lies in good planning by season. Expert knowledge that you get throughout the game, and skill and good old-fashioned hard work. As a farmer, the player learns to live with the forces of nature, accept the weather and respond on perfect the yield from fields. Taking care for the animals and prepare the budget for new investments. Many tractors and farm machines and renowned manufacturers are available to cultivate the farm and manage all the work. Only good planning and hard work will turn fallow earth into a flourishing and fertile soil. Of course, you can drive and control all machines yourself, be it hooking up the plough, re-filling the tractor or unloading the harvest. "Professional Farmer 2014" has a broad variety of crops, depending on the environment and climate. Which the farmer can cultivate the fields , and with a high yield. Even crop rotation plays an important role in planning! The integrated seasons influence the game and provide the player with a constant stream of tasks and jobs. The local farmers market is your first stepping-stone to success! After a short time, you should take our home grown and harvested produce to the market and earn your first money by selling it. As you sell more, you will soon see more and larger machines in your fleet and be able to grow larger quantities of produce. Then you will even be able to construct new buildings get quire new fields.
Professional Farmer 2014

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